Mischa by Edward Belamy 2010  


                    The Covent Garden

                 Networking Experience



Networking Naturally




Articles A - Z by Title

AI Artificial Intellegence- RoBoBo

Bo Nightingale

Bees - The HoneyMan

Geoff Galliver


Bo Nightingale

Canal Du Midi - draft

Bo Nightingale

Chianti Maud -

The ZigZag Years

Bo Nightingale

Dementia - The Sunflower Cafe Odiham

Bo Nightingale

Destination Lucca 2018

Bo Nightingale

Espresso Virgin

Bo Nightingale

Fromage Featuring

Ed the Cheese - draft

Bo Nightingale

Heavenly Princess Hermione Honey Bunny CV2

Bo Nightingale

Innocent Intentions and the

Raspberry Bloodbath

Bo Nightingale

Japanese Knotweed

Thug or Therapy?

Bo Nightingale

Limeuil, France 2016

Bo Nightingale

London - draft

Bo Nightingale



My Sister Louise

Bo Nightingale

Perpignan - draft

Bo Nightingale

Vezere Verses Visitors

Bo Nightingale

Vibrant Villages

Bo Nightingale

Wedding Flowers

Bo Nightingale


Christine Turner


Coming soon.....



War Legacy

In draft

Dear Flynn

In draft

Family History

10 Tips

In draft

Hayling Island

In draft

Ismaili Centre

Coming soon....

James Ketchell

Serial Adventurer

In draft

Magna Carter 800

In draft


Oranges & Lemons

100 Pints of Blood

Coming soon

In draft



Coming soon...

Wimbledon Tennis

In draft

SexBots Coming of Age



Essex Man Writes

Essex Man -v- Science

God -v- Science

USA Elections - A Tie!

Poisoned Christmas Berries

Percy Daltons famous Peanut Company

'I think therefore I am' Essex Man

Thoughtful Words

Lift Spirits....coming soon



This site is currently undergoing extensive redevelopment.


This is Edition 1 v 95

6 July 2024


11 December 2022

I have just fixed my 100% vegan M & S shoes with

Gorilla Glue

Is this a vegan sin?


3 December 2022

No Need to Knead Pizza

Why spend time kneading pizza dough when the yeast can do the work for you?

Put 300 gm Strong (ideally organic) flour into a bowl


1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon or sachet dried yeast

2oo milliliters warm water

1 tablespoon organic olive oil

Put the flour, yeast and salt into a big mixing bowl.   Stir thoroughly and make a well in the middle.   Pour in the warm water and olive oil and mix with the tablespoon until the mixture is free from any dried flour.

(I leave the mixing tablespoon in at this point in readiness for later but be aware, the dough may rise so much that it engulfs the spoon.   Yikes!)

Cover the bowl with a moist clean cloth, lid or similar healthier alternative to cling film.

Walk away and do something interesting for a few hours or five.

Return to the bowl and stir the bubbled up mixture or, in bakers terms, knock the dough back.    Re-cover as before and leave the dough for an hour or two for the yeast to stretch the flour by creating more lovely bubbles of Co2. 

Then roll out in the usual way and make an easy home made pizza.


If you are feeling a touch guilty about the yeast releasing bubbles of Co2 into your kitchen atmosphere, you can always off set this




This is Edition 1 v 93

5 June 2022


This is Edition 1 v 92

5 December 2021



Tai Chi Videos

Tai Chi for Beginners - Best Instructional Video for Learning Tai Chi: Warm Up #taichi #qigong - YouTube

Qi Gong for Beginners - YouTube

Tai Chi Over 50 For Beginners - Increase Energy and Reduce Anxiety and Stress #qigong #taichi - YouTube



This is Edition 1 v 91

17 November 2021


Saving Planet Earth


Updated November 2021

All man made packaging should go into the recycling bin

everywhere in the UK

If it cannot be recycled, it should not be made by man



August 2021

In my travels across the internet in the company of my good friend Mr Google, I have come across a series of YouTube videos by Sukie Baxter. 

She practices some very simple exercises based on Polyvagal Theory. 

The Vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the human body and connects to many areas of the body. 

I have tried some of these exercises and they really do seem to work. 

These are some links to videos I have watched and you may find them equally interesting and helpful.

Vagus Nerve Reset To Release Trauma Stored In The Body (Polyvagal Exercises) - YouTube 

Vagus Nerve Reset To Release Trauma Stored In The Body (Polyvagal Exercises)

Hands behind the neck

Vagus Nerve Massage For Stress And Anxiety Relief - YouTube 

Vagus Nerve Massage For Stress And Anxiety Relief 

Ear Massage 

Vagus Nerve Exercises To Rewire Your Brain From Anxiety - YouTube 

Neck and looking up 

How To Relieve Stress And Anxiety Fast (Somatic Practice) - YouTube 

Fingers and band 

Polyvagal Theory Explained Simply - YouTube 

Polyvagal Theory Explained Simply  (18 mins) 

If you try these exercises, do please let me know how you get on. 


P.s.   Curiously, in the editing screen of my software, it is limiting my editing controls and only allowing parts of this article to 'Align Right'.

Does the software agree with Sukie?



May 2021

3 Random but curious pieces of information

1  In the 1930's some Scottish people migrated to South Wales where there was a lot of industry in coal mining and shipping.   At that time there were more extremely rich people in South Wales than in New York




"Totally Fixed Where We Are" - "Total Eclipse of the Heart" adapted by the Marsh Family - YouTube


Goodness Gracious Me - Royal family Indian.avi - YouTube


how to make powerpoint pages turn like a book - Google Search


Easy Method of Creating Animation Scene in PowerPoint 2016 / 2019 Tutorial - YouTube


Gimp Transparent background editor




TEDx Talks

The most important lesson from 83,000 brain scans | Daniel Amen | TEDxOrangeCoast

The three secrets of resilient people | Lucy Hone | TEDxChristchurch

How To Trick Your Brain Into Falling Asleep | Jim Donovan | TEDxYoungstown



So I went to visit my daughter in Balham this weekend.

She recently moved to a new rental 10 minutes walk from the old flat.

After a walk around Wandsworth Common - where there was a fair featuring a funky little railway ride over two levels - we walked to her corner newspaper shop for a Saturday Telegraph, some tonic water and nibbles for the match.

We walked in and my daughter was greeted with a very friendly hello by the two guys who were serving.  It turns out this is her 'go to' corner shop.

We turned to the right and walked through the narrow isle, jam packed with essentials, to the newspapers.

My joy at finding a Saturday Telegraph so late in the afternoon was doubled when I heard a fellow say "See you later Bo".   I turned to see a young dude opening the door to leave.

I thought wow!  I have never been to this shop before and only been to Balham on the rare occasions but even so, I am popular and the locals know me!  What a celebrity.  

My panjandrum status was fleeting as a deep gold encrusted voice said

"Yo, see you later Bro".

....... about that hearing aid





So he said "come upstairs and see what's on your phone"

So I thought "what's he doing looking at my phone?"

So he said "Look, it's a cricket".

So I said "I'd take a photo of him but there's a cricket on my phone".

So he said "How do you know its a male?"

So I said "It's 9.30 a.m. in the morning and he is still in the bedroom!".



Consider the postage stamp and its ability to stick to its task to the end!







extreme or foolish pride, dangerous overconfidence, arrogance.


WordPress has named its latest update Gutenburg


The Gutenburg Project


There is currently an ironic glitch with the 'Gutenburg Project' website which Microsoft will not display with a message:-

"There is consensus across the industry that the RC4 cipher is no longer cryptographically secure, and therefore RC4 support is being removed with this update."

So much for intellectual freedom.

The Gutenburg project team will be aware of this error and one assumes are working to make their catalogue easily accessible again.

In the meantime, http://www.gutenberg.org/ successfully links to their website (missing the 's' for secure! - visit at your peril!)


The Theory of Men and Golf

How was your golf today?

It was ok but we were stuck behind three old codgers

who took forever.

It took us at least 3/4 of an hour longer to play 9 holes.

Thinking that the three old codgers would have enjoyed their game much more if they were not under pressure from two not quite so old codgers waiting to play the hole next, I suggested that perhaps they should have politely asked if they could play the next hole ahead of the three old codgers.

Well the threesome did offer us the chance to go ahead of them - twice.

Well why didn't you both take advantage of their offer and play at your speed and not the doddering old codgers pace?

That wouldn't help.  

Then there would have been five of us looking for our balls!



Did you know that in writing and typography, the common ampersand - & - is a ligature which developed from the latin letters e and t were combined. The latin word et means and.


A short, sometimes witty, pointed sentence

that expresses a wise or clever observation or a general truth





They have a sail in Bristol

A sale?

Yes a sail.

A sale of what?

Not a sale, a sail

What is not a sale?

Nothing is being sold. It’s a sail

If nothing is being sold what is the point of the sale?

It has been sold, they brought a sail

A sail is for shade

Oh not a sale but a sail.

Yes sail as in a sail and no one got hurt.



Beast from the East

and the

Apple Charlotte Catastrophe

I blame him! After three days of the Beast from the East he suggested we should put food out for the wild birds. We have the feline equivalent of an avian Hannibal Nectar and a psychotic canine with all the endearing qualities of Stitch on steroids. I blame the cat for indoctrinating Stitch, a terrier, in the abject loathing of these winged rats who despite his endeavours have consistently escaped his jaws and a fatal neck snapping double reversible whiplash.

Sustenance for Tits, Thrushes and all – except Magpies – was first on my Planet Earth Bird Saving Good Deed list this morning. Trill in absence I creative problem solved with an apple charlotte – that is boiled eating apples and toast crumbs with liquor soaked dog biscuits for flavour – unintentionally adding insult to injury to Stitch. All served on a twice used plastic tray placed out of terrier reach on the patio table.

Now the question is who will scold me first? The RSPB for my avian nutrition culinary incompetence and serving up bird food which a day later remains untouched. Or the RSPCA for tormenting Stitch with an influx of winged rats all looking in dismay at the inedible offering. Inedible that is to all birds but not to Stitch who is running around the garden barking at the birds and driven to distraction with the smell of dog bones that he cannot locate and eat


Saving Planet Earth


All man made packaging goes into the recycling bin

If it cannot be recycled, it should not be made by man



Love them or not they control your world and are around you every day in one form or another.

Marcus du Sautoy presented a brilliant programme

The Secret Rules of Modern Living: Algorithms

These links take you to three snippets from a fantastic programme


What is an Algorithm? How does it directly affect you?

Footie explaining links

Bubble  - v - Merge Sort


Scrumptious fruit using Fujifilm finepix F72 EXR

Passion Fruit, Strawberry and Blueberry Pavlova

Image taken on Fujifilm Finepix F72 EXR Pro Focus mode with Pin Sharp focus for subject and a soft focus background.

Mix passion fruit into the cream and top with fresh fruit.   The passion fruit is better in the cream, rather than drizzled across the top.


Bizarreness Effect

Bizarreness effect is the tendency of bizarre material to be better remembered than common material



Clear Logical Convincing


“The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change”

Heraclitus of Ephesus  c. 535 BC – 475 BC) Greek philosopher



The Sunflower Cafe

Tea, Company and Practical Advice for those living with Dementia


Gull posing on breakwater Hayling Island 31 Oct 2016



Heuristics - rule of thumb science



Corollaries example:-

Chocolate = XL

Pain Au Chocolate = XXL

Chocolate Brownies = XXL


Do not spoil what you have

by desiring what you have not

Epictetus, Greek Philospher 55 - 135ce


According to Chris Evans talking on his BBC Radio 2 Show on Tuesday 2 August 2016,

Bees hum in the Key of C


Time is Precious

Waste it Wisely


Gucci use Bumblebees as a motif



"Beware the barrenness of a busy life"

Socrates, Greek Philosopher *470 - 399 bce

Did you know that the three greatest ancient 'thinkers' were all born within 100 years of each other.  Socrates was one.   The other two were:


*b 428 - d 348 bce


*b 563 - d 483 bce

* dates are taken from Google searches.



Adult swans at feeding time at Abbotsbury Swannery, Dorset

Contrary to popular belief all swans are not the property of the Crown

Visit Abbotsbury Swannery 12.00 noon and 4 pm to see the swans being fed.

Look out for the resident Osprey on the far side of the Fleet basin.


The question for humanity is are we prepared for the day the computer says "No"


Baby sleeping at the Odiham Magna Carter 800 celebrations

Who slept while King John prepared to sign the Magna Carter?



Did you know ....that in January 1607 a tsunami travelled up the Bristol Channel?

It is thought to have been caused by a massive land slip around Ireland

Some churches in the area have plaques recording the maximum height of the flood water as it engulfed the region. 

St Marys Church Goldcliffe plaque records the flood water at 3 feet above ground level today.

Another marks the maximum height as 7.74 meters or 25 feet and 4 inches.

Curiously the St Mary's Church plaque dates the event as 1606.   According to Wikepedia this is because they used the Julian Calendar at that time and the new year did not start until Lady Day 25 March.



Networking Naturally is not responsible for the content of external sites.  Read more....






Limeuil France Glass Blowers Sign

Glass Blowers Sign

Limeuil France

Dear Flynn

Dear Flynn

Scrumptious fruit using Fujifilm finepix F72 EXR

Fruit Pavlova Fujifilm

Finepix F72 EXR Pro Focus

 Godetia section Sept13 BoNightingale


Aquilegia flower just opened Bo Nightingale

A Bees Eye view of Flowers

King Arthur's of Camelot Quest for Laser Toner Cartridges

Bovril Lolly Sticks

The Wedding Group

An image of one of the All Saints Parish Church Odiham stained glass windows by Bo Nightingale


The Grapevine Odiham


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