'Don't call me 'Grandad'

'Don't call me 'Grandad', the old man immediately in front of the she Tourist shot his last vestiges of testosterone fuelled attitude in her direction as she entered the Bakery at rush hour.

The tourist, barely across the threshold and looking about for any indication of etiquette, finally clocked the ticketing system display above the counter. His satanic hooded dark eyes watched meanly as this unwelcome female interloper now struggled to identify the whereabouts of the ticket machine. 360 ° panorama view of the premises to no avail a hard metal object touched her right shoulder. Labelled 'prendi un biglietto', the Tourist obeyed and waited. 31 was displayed above the counter and 33 was printed on the shoe shop shaped paper slip taken from the machine.

Paying deep attention to the apple glazed pastries currently being placed for sale the Tourist was reminded to look again at the display. 34. ?

Assuming that in awe of the scrumptious sweet pastry offerings she had missed her turn, Chianti Maud took a second biglietto - 36 in hand and continued to contemplate her decision, attentive eyes still on the display......

'Don't call me Grandad' started to rant.....
